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Cuyahoga news

That's a different Cuyahoga 2.0!

Perhaps you have seen it on the forums lately: there have been some serious changes in Cuyahoga development. Originally, we planned to build a complete new admin interface for Cuyahoga 2.0 with ASP.NET MVC and an Alpha version was even released. Unfortunately, I did not have enough time to proceed full speed and the new interface caused some mixed reactions.

Luckily John Lynch (Constructor) stood up and has 'cooked' his own 2.0 version that was a mixture of the old Cuyahoga 2.0 core, but with a very much improved admin interface. It soon became clear to me that his version was the way to go especially because it caused so many positive reactions.

So now we have it. A new Cuyahoga 2.0 Alpha version! Get it here and read the official announcement here.

At the same time I'd like to officially announce that John is now the Lead Developer of Cuyahoga and my role will be more in the background where I'm going support the project with QA and release management.

10/12/2010 9:08:00 PM Published by Martijn Boland Category Cuyahoga Comments 4

  • Thanks guys, I'm waiting for MVC version. ;)

    by keyvan mon - 10/15/2010 9:01:34 PM
  • Thanks all, you have done a great contribution. Hope we continue move forward...

    by juanwoang - 12/17/2010 5:42:10 PM
  • Great work guys, we are waitig for the new version.

    by AntonD - 12/23/2010 6:20:56 PM
  • Thanks guys, we are waiting for the new version too. Could anyone from dev team please talk about the release time for new version if its possible.

    thanks in advance

    by zapotek - 3/26/2011 8:27:33 AM
