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Cuyahoga news (Archive)

  • The official Cuyahoga logo

    The logo contest has ended and we have a winner:

    by Fernando Rossi.

    I'd like to thank everybody who participated in the contest!

    Oh and I've tried to create a quick and dirty 'powered by' logo. If you're interested, you can find it here (amongst the other ones).
    5/6/2006 10:00:00 AM Published by Martijn Boland Category Cuyahoga Comments 1
  • Hosting suggestions

    As you may have noticed, the site is not performing too well lately. I contacted the support staff and tried to improve things. They were very helpful and things improved for a couple of times, but every time, after a few days things got worse again.
    Therefore, I decided that it's time to move to a different host. Does anybody has any recommendations for reliable hosting? Since decent hosting comes at a price, anyone willing to sponsor is welcome :).
    4/17/2006 2:51:00 PM Published by Martijn Boland Category Website Comments 15
  • New template with flyout menu available for download

    For some reason every .Net portal or CMS seems to need a dropdown/flyout or whatever-you-call-it dynamic menu. Of course we can't stay behind, so I created a variation of the AnotherRed template :).
    There is no javascript involved in this solution, just pure HTML/CSS inspired by this very nice example. I hope you like it.
    4/14/2006 2:33:00 PM Published by Martijn Boland Category Cuyahoga Comments 0
  • Download Cuyahoga add-ons

    The download page has two new sections for contributions that are not part of the main distribution. If you want to make your component available, drop me an email at martijn [ at ] boland [ dot ] org.
    4/14/2006 2:22:00 PM Published by Martijn Boland Category Cuyahoga Comments 1
  • Progress report: Castle integration

    There hasn't been much news about Cuyahoga lately. However, this doesn't mean that nothing is happening. I've been preparing the core of Cuyahoga to make the coming development efforts easier. One of those steps involved integrating the Castle Windsor IoC container. This container introduces the concept of Inversion of Control, which allows to develop components in a much more loosely coupled way. On top of that, Castle offers nice additional facilities like automatic transaction management and NHibernate integration.

    And now I can hear you all thinking: "fine, but what do we gain with this stuff?". Well, in fact, a lot! Especially for module developers, things are getting much easier. A Cuyahoga module is now managed via the Castle container which automagically resolves all dependencies to external components. This can be services for data access, file access, authorization, search indexing, versioning, etc. Another new feature offered by Castle is automatic transaction management.
    Imagine a scenario where you want to upload a file and manage some meta-data in a database. If something goes wrong, you'll end up with a record in the table for a non-existing file or a file without any meta-data. It takes quite a bit of code to handle this properly, but now, a simple .NET attribute is enough to make it safe. Don't believe it? Take a look at the Downloads module in SVN. Ok, it also involved creating a file service that can participate in transactions, but hey, as a module developer, you don't have to worry about that :).
    4/2/2006 10:29:00 AM Published by Martijn Boland Category Cuyahoga Comments 4